👉 The Tech Caffeine #29: This Week in Tech
🤔 Why Engineers Should Invest in Decision-Making Skills Early, ⚙️ How the Financial Times Approaches Engineering Enablement, 🧠 What is Graph Intelligence?
🤔Why Engineers Should Invest in Decision-Making Skills Early
Early in our careers as engineers, we’re told to invest in technical skills. We learn languages, implement patterns and frameworks, architect across the stack, and learn how to scale. Getting into the weeds of the work is what gets you credibility and clout with your teammates.
But to make more successful technical calls and advance careers, engineers actually need to develop better strategic decision-making skills — not just technical execution skills.
🔐 Open Source Democratized Software. Now Let’s Democratize Security
Today, anyone can contribute to some of the world’s most important software platforms and frameworks, such as Kubernetes, the Linux kernel or Python. They can do this because these platforms are open source, meaning they are collaboratively developed by global communities.
What if we applied the same principles of democratization and free access to cybersecurity?
⚙️ How the Financial Times Approaches Engineering Enablement
The Product & Technology teams at the Financial Times are aligned into several groups. Each group has a clear area of focus. The Engineering Enablement group is made up of all the teams that build tools to support engineers at the FT.
🧠 What is Graph Intelligence?
In this post, we highlight the current state of Graph Intelligence, a new technology category around new tools and techniques for gathering insights around relationships in data from sources like SQL tables and logs. We introduce the term Graph Intelligence to refer to the ability to produce insights over structured entities, values, known relationships, and inferred relationships
💡 Simple HTTP Load Testing with SLOs
This article shows how you can use Iter8, the open-source Kubernetes-friendly release engineering platform, to flexibly set up a load test with precise control over all of the above, within seconds.
Take this Udemy course and learn more about Site Reliability Engineering - An Introduction to Reliability Engineering
📈 CNCF Sees Record Kubernetes and Container Adoption in 2021 Cloud-Native Survey
Key findings from the report include:
Container adoption and Kubernetes have gone mainstream – usage has risen globally, particularly in large organizations. SlashData reports that there are 5.6 million developers using Kubernetes worldwide, representing 31% of all backend developers.
Kubernetes is going “under the hood” – more organizations are leveraging managed services and packaged platforms. According to CNCF CTO Chris Aniszczyk, there is a growing void in understanding that Kubernetes and containers are essentially a package deal. Datadog reports that nearly 90% of Kubernetes users leverage cloud-managed services, up from nearly 70% in 2020.
Organizations are moving up the stack – companies are adopting less mature projects to tackle more advanced challenges like monitoring and communications. Monitoring tool Prometheus, for example, saw a 43% overall increase in adoption for the last six months of 2021, according to New Relic.
If you are new to Kubernetes, then check out this course from Udemy - Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide