The Tech Caffeine #11
Insights from Java Ecosystem Survey Results, Discord's move from GO to RUST, Modern Day BI, Carbon impact of web browsing
✳️ This Week’s Featured Articles ✳️
Why Discord Is Switching From Go to RUST
As per Stackoverflow Developer Survey 2021, RUST is picking up as popular languages to work on. In this article, the Discord team talks about the issue they faced while using GO and how migrating to RUST provided them a performance boost.
Reading Code is a Skill
In one of our previous issues, I have shared articles talking about how to write readable code. This article explores the other side. Nobody wants to write an unreadable code on purpose.
JVM Ecosystem Report 2021
This report gives insights into what is happening in the Java world in 2021. Some notable things to mention -
AdoptOpenJDK builds of OpenJDK used by 44% of Java Developers
Over 60% of developers use Java SE 11 in production
Over 70% of JVM developers use IntelliJ IDEA
More than 76% of the JVM developers use Maven to build their applications
Spring Boot and Spring MVC are the most dominant frameworks for the JVM
Google & DORA’s 2021 Accelerate State of DevOps Report is Out!
Like every year, DORA brings insights about the DevOps maturity at various organizations.
Is BI Dead?
If you leave aside the clickbait title of this article, there are a quite a few good things discussed about modern day Business Intelligence practices.
Measuring the carbon impact of web browsing
This article talks about ways to measure the carbon impact of your web browsing. It talks about a Web Browser addon which calculate stats for you.
✳️ Book ✳️
Fundamentals of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach
A highly recommended book from two esteemed authors if you are planning to take up a Software Architect role.
✳️ Tweet of the week ✳️
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